
A plugin for the Lemon Squeezy e-commerce platform

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WARNING This plugin is shiny new beta! Use with caution and please feedback any issues via Github issues if you have any problems.

Kirby3 Lemon Squeezy

A plugin for working with the Lemon Squeezy API.


  • Fetch Store(s)
  • Fetch Product(s)
  • Turns products into virtual pages

ææ Install

composer require hashandsalt/lemonsqueezy

You can also install manually by placing the folder inside your plugins folder.


Add your API keys to the Config.php

// API Keys
'hashandsalt.lemonsqueezy.testmode' => true, // flick to false in to use the live API
'hashandsalt.lemonsqueezy.testapikey' => 'XXX',
'hashandsalt.lemonsqueezy.liveapikey' => 'XXX'

Change the default template and model for the virtual pages (optional)

// Virtual Pages
'hashandsalt.lemonsqueezy.template' => 'products',
'hashandsalt.lemonsqueezy.model' => 'products',


Fetching store data

An array of all stores

$stores = $site->stores();

A specific store by ID

$store = $site->store('11087');

Fetching product data

An array of all products

$products = $site->products();

A specific product by ID

$product = $site->product('22352');

Virtual Pages

Available fields in the virtual pages

'title'             => $productitem->attributes->name,
'description'       => $productitem->attributes->description,
'product_status'    => $productitem->attributes->status,
'thumb_url'         => $productitem->attributes->thumb_url,
'large_thumb_url'   => $productitem->attributes->large_thumb_url,
'price'             => $productitem->attributes->price,
'formatted_price'   => $productitem->attributes->price_formatted,
'buy_now_url'       => $productitem->attributes->buy_now_url