
A Scientific Calculator 🎲 that can handle trigonometric, exponential and often other advanced functions, and can show its output in scientific notation and sometimes in hexadecimal, octal or binary

Primary LanguageJava

Calic 🌸

Calic is a scientific calculator using java 💻 A scientific calculator is a calculator designed to help you calculate science, engineering, and mathematics problems. It has way more buttons than your standard calculator that just lets you do your four basic arithmetic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. You can now use your calculator to help you solve trigonometry problems involving sine, cosine, tangent, their inverses, and their hyperbolic functions. When working with trigonometric values, you can change the calculations between degrees, radians, and grads. Also, you now have access to a button for pi and Euler's constant, e. There are also buttons that allow you to easily calculate exponents to the second, third, or any other power.

This Calculator has 3 menus.. Standerd Calculator Scientific Calculator Exit

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Click on file menu and you can select a what calculator you want

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for example if you want add two numbers ; first you enter your first number then click on addition button (+) after you can select your second number finally click on equal button (=)

if you want get a sin(90) first press 90 and then press on sin button