I converted an ESC to fire two rockets off an RC airplane using a piece of resistance wire.
The way it works is like so: The rockets are ignited using a piece of resistance wire. You can fire (as of now) 2 rockets with one ESC. The ESC has 3 outputs: A, B and C (where usually the motors would go). Solder one side of the first wire to port A of the ESC and the other side to port B. The second wire (optional) goes to ports B and C. If the input (servo) signal is between 1600 and 1800us (usually 20-60% on the TX) the first side gets ignited. If the input is between 1800 and 2200us (60-100%) the second side gets ignited. The current is limited using a PWM signal (you can configure this using the pwm_cycle variable, line 16 in the code). That's basically it. The code has a failsafe integrated, so it turnes the outputs off if no or a false signal is received).
How to use the code:
- Get an Atmel ESC from this list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13tMlu5ldLNpZXwbe6UhDHJhcgTVuljm8HDiDp9WO9Pk/edit?usp=sharing
- Note FW file (eg. tgy.hex) and the FETs (P/N or N).
- Open the .inc file, that corresponds to your FW file here: https://github.com/sim-/tgy
- Open my code and change the pins to suit your ESC (lines 5-12) using the file from step 3
- IMPORTANT: If your ESC has all N FETs set the variable nFet to 1. If it is P/N set it to 0
- Open Boards Manager in Arduino and install MiniCore
- Select the board ATMega8 with the correct settings and now you can compile the code
- Upload it to the ESC using an USBASP or any other ISP programmer.
- Test it (ideally with a current limited power supply)