Cab Driving School

The world best Diving School to learn driving.


Features for User

  1. You can book a program to learn driving.
  2. You can add programs to the cart.
  3. You can see the all reviews that are from our previous student.
  4. Login and Registration system to create an account.
  5. Use PrivateRoute to protect the website.
  6. Use authentication to track the user.
  7. Logged in user can see all orders that he ordered.
  8. Logged in user cad give a review.
  9. Logged in user can see the status of the orders.
  10. Logged in user can make payment.

Features for Admin

  1. Admin can add products.
  2. Admin can Delete products.
  3. Admin can see all the orders.
  4. Admin can change the status of the orders.
  5. Admin can make another admin.