# Minery Lighting ## Live site link [live site Link](https://minery-lighting.web.app/) : https://minery-lighting.web.app/ ## Using Technology and Programming Language - React.js - Material-Ui - Html-5 and css-3 * Node.js * Express.js * MongoDB As Database - React-Router-Dom - Context Api - Firebase Authentication system * Material-Icon * React-hook-form * SweetAlert for Alert ## Top Features - Lamp selling Website including admin panel. - Option for Admin to manage all product And Delete and Edit Product. - Option for Admin to manage all order Status And cancel Order. - Customer Review Systems. - Option for Admin to Add a New Product. - Implement the Firebase Authentication system. - Create new user with email and password - Secure API using JWT Token ## uses of This Website - This Website help you easily Buy your favorite Lamp/light. - You can Payment money wit payPal . - Buy your Favorite Lamp. - Help to you Know Our facilities - Our latest news and special Offer and Discount - You may also take our 24/7 Emergency helpline service. ## Md Hasibul Hasan (owner This Repo and This Website)# Minery-Lighting-Server