Learning Points

  1. How to use Explicit Type (let a : string).
  2. How to use Explicit Type with Union Type (let a : string | number).
  3. How to use Dynamic/Any Types in TypeScript (let a : any).
  4. How to use Function Type (let myFunction : Function).
  5. How to use Optional parameter in a function (a?:string);
  6. How to use default value in parameter in a function (a:string = "Hasibul");
  7. How to define return and void in a function


let myFunction : () => void // no return required.

Essay function

let funSing1: (a: number, b: number) => number; // that means it have a retuen type with number we can change the parameter property name when we are using this function. funSing1 = (x: number, y: number) => { return x * y; };

funSing1(5, 6);

Complex function

let calculation: (x: number, y: number, z: string) => number;

calculation = (x: number, y: number, z: string) => { if (z === "add") { return x + y; } else { return x - y; } }; calculation(5, 6, "add");

let myFunction : (a: number, b: number) => number // return required.

Type Aliases

it means we can create our own type for reduce repeating code

without aliases

const myDetails = ( id: string | number, details: { name: string; age: number } ) => { console.log(my name is ${details.name} and my id is ${id}); }; myDetails(12, {name:"hasibul", age: 24})

with aliases

type stringOrNumber = string | number; type detailsInfo = { name: string; age: number }; const myDetails1 = (id: stringOrNumber, details: detailsInfo) => { console.log(my name is ${details.name} and my id is ${id}); };# TypeScript-Day-2

Class Type

  1. How to create class with explicit and union types, and how to use class as a class type in a array.