:mortar_board:Data Structure project for university

Primary LanguageC++


Binary Search Tree Algorithm in C++

This code have 4 parts contain of:

1. node class

2. bst class

3. menu class

4. the main implementation
  1. node class :

    The node class is the first part of the project its the Element Type of every note of tree

  2. bst class :

    The bst class is the main part of the project that have 4 main function :

     1. insert
     2. display
     3. search
     4. delete

    each one of them has their own features.

  3. menu class :

    The menu class is the observation part of the project that the user can work with it and contain of 5 option:

     1. Insert
     2. Delete
     3. Search
     4. Display
     5. Exit
  4. the main implementation :

    The main implementation is the end of the project that contain of the main function of the project.