
Objective: Create a user-friendly application for efficient book storage and management. 📖 Technologies Used: JavaFX: For a modern and responsive UI design. 🎨 Data Structures & Algorithms (DSA): Efficient data management using arrays, linked lists, and hash tables. 📊

Primary LanguageJava

📚 ReadingRoom Project Overview


Excited to share my latest project, ReadingRoom! 🚀 This application is designed for seamless book storage and management, offering a user-centric experience to enhance library organization.


To build an intuitive and efficient application that simplifies book management for both users and administrators. 📖

Technologies Used

  • JavaFX

    • Crafted a modern, interactive UI for responsive design and smooth navigation. 🎨
  • Data Structures & Algorithms (DSA)

    • Leveraged arrays, linked lists, and hash tables to ensure fast, efficient data handling. 📊
  • Design Patterns

    • Applied the Singleton pattern for secure admin access and MVC architecture for clean, modular code. 🔧

Key Features

  • User Authentication

    • Robust login system with separate user and admin access for enhanced security. 🔒
  • Book Management

    • Effortlessly add, update, and delete book records, streamlining library organization. 📖✏️
  • Advanced Search

    • Locate books swiftly using flexible filters, making information retrieval fast and efficient. 🔍
  • Responsive UI

    • Adaptive layouts ensure a consistent experience across devices. 📱💻


  1. Check Out all_items_checkout

  2. Dashboard top_5_books

  3. Book Management add_book_final_design

  4. Search Interface add_to_chart_function

  5. Login Screen final_login_design

Contact Me

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or suggestions about this project:

This project showcases my dedication to creating efficient, user-friendly applications that address real-world challenges. By focusing on clean code and intuitive design, ReadingRoom is a step forward in simplifying library management. 📖