BSFDV Challenge


Create an application Backend with below details:

Tech stack to be used:

Java/Kotlin (Kotlin is preferred)
Spring Boot

Application Requirements:

  • Service should expose a Rest API to accept money transfers to other accounts. Money transfers should persist a new balance of accounts
  • Service should expose a Rest API for getting the account details. You can disregard currencies at this time

Points to consider:

  • Keep the design simple and to the point. Should be scalable for adding new features
  • The datastore should run in-memory for the tests
  • Proper unit testing and decent coverage is a must
  • Upload the code to a repository
  • Disregard Currency or Rate Conversion
  • Improvise where details are not provided

Plus Points:

  • Kotlin used => Sowwyyyy
  • Proper handling of concurrent transactions for the accounts
  • Documentation of API
  • Dockerized app


  1. Account: Specific user, who has basic information. (name, email, username, password and county) and (balance).
  2. Role: Granted Authority for our accounts: User, Moderator and Admin accounts. (Focus will be on user roles).
  3. Transaction: a transfer of money happens in the system, It can be either (PAY) Involving 2 parties, (WITHDRAW/DEPOSIT) Which involves only one party, sender side, with a specific amount of money.
    1. Pay Transaction: Example (Hassan sends 1000$ to Marco).
    2. Withdraw Transaction: Example (Hassan withdraws 1000$ from his account).
    3. Deposit Transaction: Example (Hassan deposits 1000$ to his account).


Authentication used to set valid cookie, which lasts for 1 day. (With testing with postman, It's auto set, you can check it in cookies section.) An Account should be able to deposit and withdraw only to/from his account through the identified cookie.

API Documentation

You can follow /api/bsfdv/swagger-ui.html to find all information about APIs.

Postman collection

You can follow the OpenAPI specification here.

Happy scenario for testing the application

  1. Signup => POST /api/bsfdv/accounts with payload in Body. { "name": "Hassan", "country": "Egypt", "email": "", "password": "123456", "username": "semsem" }

  2. Login => POST /api/bsfdv/accounts/login with payload in Body. { "username": "semsem", "password": "123456" }

  3. Make a deposit transaction => POST /api/bsfdv/transactions with payload in Body. { "transactionType": "DEPOSIT", "amount": 20000 }

  4. Now try to get account details (For development purposes, there's no restrictions, anyone can see balance information). => GET /api/bsfdv/accounts/1 and the balance should be 20000 now.