Jumia App

A single page application in Java (Frameworks allowed) that uses the provided database to list and categorize country phone numbers.

How to run?

Open your terminal then:

  1. git clone https://github.com/Hassan-Elseoudy/JumiaBE
  2. docker-compose up
  3. Wait for some time till it loads, Around to ~ 30 seconds till you see Started JumiaApplication in xx.xxx seconds

How to test?

  1. You can check from swagger over: http://localhost:8080/api/v1/jumia/swagger-ui/
  2. Select Customer Controller and then select GET /api/v1/jumia/customer then on the right, select Try it out.
  3. You can filter by Country Id or by state or without any filtration.
  4. You can paginate by page number and size.


  1. Secrets should be added to a ConfigMap, Since this is a demo project, So It was added in the files for simplicity.
  2. Using YAGNI principle, I only added the @GetMapping request in CustomerController, If the requirements were to add multiple endpoints, then It should be easily done later.
  3. I preferred to use Country as a table in the project, rather that ImmutableObjects, So that we can easily add/remove/update the regex, but as I mentioned, no controllers.
  4. There was no default values for page sizes, so I sat default to 10 and max page size to 50.

Notes about testing:

You can test on your local machine by run the JumiaIntegrationTests file, I updated the application-test dialect.