Data Engineer Task

For the assignment, you have to process a file and enrich it with data provided by an API in order to provide high-level aggregate info.

Our goal is to see how you implement the missing parts of the API and how you deal with file processing and data structures manipulation.

As we use to containerize our applications please add a Dockerfile for running the api.

Provide the code in a way that you would push to production ;)



There are two endpoints that need to be implemented, one that searches for the user_status on a given date and another one that returns a city based on the provided IP.

Endpoint user_status


On this endpoint please provide an implementation that searches the records and returns the correct user_status at the given date. You can imagine the records as single events which get fired on a user status change. If a user starts paying, there will be one record stored with status paying, whereas if this user stops paying, there will be another record added with status cancelled. Consequently a user remains in status paying until the next cancelled event. In case there is no status available for a specific date, simply return non-paying. The valid responses that should be provided are: paying, cancelled or non-paying.

Implementation ?

I used binary search tree since It suits the case of searching with (floor) operation.

It is defined as binary tree in when the difference between the height of the left subtree and right subtree is not more than m, where m is usually equal to 1. then the worst case become O(Log n) to search instead of n.

Endpoint city

/ip_city/ On this endpoint please provide an implementation that searches the provided IP ranges and returns the correct city based on the IP. In case the IP range is not within any of the provided cities, unknown should be returned.

Implementation ?

I used Interval trees, an interval tree is a tree data structure to hold intervals. Specifically, it allows one to efficiently find all intervals that overlap with any given interval or point.

Queries require O(log n + m) time, with n being the total number of intervals and m being the number of reported results.

Construction requires O(n * log(n)) time, and storage requires O(n) space.

File Processing

Please read the file transactions.json and enrich it with the data given by the API. The output of the script should provide an aggregate containing the sum of product_price grouped by user_status and city.

Implementation ?

Using beloved pd.


There is a simple API which you'll need to install. To run the API just run the file.

pip install -r requirements.txt


Please provide a zip or tar file containing your complete implementation.