Dining Satisfaction Dataset

  • Satisfaction: Dining satisfaction level (Satisfaction, neutral, or dissatisfaction)
  • Age: The actual age of the diners
  • Gender: Gender of the diners (Female, Male)
  • Type of Dining: Purpose of the visit to the restaurant (Personal Dining, Business Dining)
  • Ambiance: Dining ambiance in the restaurant.
  • Customer Type: The customer type (Loyal customer, disloyal customer)
  • Distance from Home: Distance traveled to reach the restaurant
  • WiFi Service: Satisfaction level of the restaurant's WiFi service
  • Ease of Booking: Satisfaction level of the reservation process
  • Table Service: Satisfaction level of table service
  • Online Reservation Support: Satisfaction level of online reservation support
  • Entertainment Options: Satisfaction level of available entertainment options (Live Music, Events, Games, etc.)
  • Online Booking Ease: Satisfaction level of the booking process (Reservation Process, Waiting Time, etc.)
  • Space Between Tables: Satisfaction level of the space between dining tables
  • Baggage Handling: Satisfaction level of baggage handling (Coat Check, Personal Items Handling, etc.)
  • Check-in Service: Satisfaction level of the check-in service (Reception, Reservation Confirmation, etc.)
  • Cleanliness: Satisfaction level of cleanliness in the restaurant
  • Online Menu Access: Satisfaction level of online menu access (User-Friendly, Detailed, etc.)
  • Departure Delay in Minutes: Minutes delayed when the diners had to wait for a table
  • Arrival Delay in Minutes: Minutes delayed when the diners had to wait for food

Take Into consideration that (0: (No Answer / Not Applicable); 1-5 (Actual Rating))