
A plugin for maya tracking a face using markers and animating a 3D face-mesh based on marker positions. A C++ program using OpenCV will fetch data from the webcam, the program will then use image analysis to find tracking points. These points will be streamed as raw data to Maya using its command port which then modifies the geometry of a 3D model of a face.

Primary LanguageC++


A plugin for maya tracking a face using markers and animating a 3D face-mesh based on marker positions. A C++ program using OpenCV will fetch data from the webcam, the program will then use image analysis to find tracking points. These points will be streamed as raw data to Maya using its command port which then modifies the geometry of a 3D model of a face.


How to use

  • Open a face-rig in Maya with joints named as follows:

1. leftouterbrow
2. leftinnerbrow
3. rightinnerbrow
4. rightouterbrow
5. leftcheek
6. rightcheek
7. leftnose
8. rightnose
9. leftmouth
10. upperlip
11. rightmouth
12. lowerlip

A ready made rig is provided in Volemort_rigged.mb

  • Add corresponding markers to your own face + markers on your nose and forehead.

  • Run the FaceTracker.mel script in Maya.

  • Run Face-Tracking-Maya.exe

  • The program assumes that you have a neutral expression when it first sees you. To set a new neutral expression press r to reset t tracking.

  • Press p to toggle recording in Maya on and off.
