

Web-based 2D Game, simulates an AI technique(A* Algorithm) used to determine the shortest valid path between two points.


  • Pre-settings

A road map is generated randomly with a treasure(Bitcoin) in the middle and a ninja thief at the bottom side. The user adds some guards to guard the treasure. Adding a guard includes positioning and range of movement. Then the user starts the game.

  • On Running

The ninja thief starts to move towards the treasure stealthy and avoiding the guards, he steals the treasure and gets out of the map again with the same way he entered.

  • On End

There is two ends for the game, the first is that the ninja steals the treasure and gets out safely, the second one is that at least one of the guards sees the ninja thief then he would kill him and the game ends.

Technical Specifications

  • Language: JavaScript
  • Algorithms: A* Algorithm