Apache Pulsar


To run locally:

### Namespace to deploy pulsar
# The namespace to use to deploy the pulsar components, if left empty
# will default to .Release.Namespace (aka helm --namespace).
namespace: pulsar
namespaceCreate: false

initialize: true

clusterName: cluster2

## Volume settings
  persistence: false

## Components
## Control what components of Apache Pulsar to deploy for the cluster
  # zookeeper
  zookeeper: true
  # bookkeeper
  bookkeeper: true
  # bookkeeper - autorecovery
  autorecovery: false
  # broker
  broker: true
  # functions
  functions: true
  # proxy
  proxy: true
  # toolset
  toolset: true
  # pulsar manager
  pulsar_manager: false

## Monitoring Components
## Control what components of the monitoring stack to deploy for the cluster
  # monitoring - prometheus
  prometheus: false
  # monitoring - grafana
  grafana: false

# disable monitoring stack
   enabled: false
     enabled: false
     enabled: false
     enabled: false
     enabled: false

  # Disable pod monitor since we're disabling CRD installation
    enabled: false

  # Disable pod monitor since we're disabling CRD installation
    enabled: false

  # Disable pod monitor since we're disabling CRD installation
    enabled: false

  # Disable pod monitor since we're disabling CRD installation
    enabled: false
    autoSkipNonRecoverableData: "true"
  # Disable pod monitor since we're disabling CRD installation
    enabled: false

For full deployment checkout values.yaml

Deploy Pulsar cluster using Helm

helm repo add apache https://pulsar.apache.org/charts
helm repo update
helm install pulsar apache/pulsar --values values.conf

Wait 5+ min for everything to be up and running

Use pulsar-admin to create Pulsar tenants/namespaces/topics

You can use the script attached below.

  1. Enter the toolset container.

kubectl exec -it -n pulsar pulsar-toolset-0 -- /bin/bash

  1. Perform a health check

bin/pulsar-admin brokers healthcheck

  1. In the toolset container, create a tenant named apache.

bin/pulsar-admin tenants create apache

  1. In the toolset container, create a namespace named pulsar in the tenant apache.

bin/pulsar-admin namespaces create apache/pulsar

  1. In the toolset container, create a topic test-topic with 4 partitions in the namespace apache/pulsar.

bin/pulsar-admin topics create-partitioned-topic apache/pulsar/test-topic -p 4

  1. In the toolset container, list all the partitioned topics in the namespace apache/pulsar.

bin/pulsar-admin topics list-partitioned-topics apache/pulsar



kubectl exec -it -n pulsar pulsar-toolset-0 -- /bin/bash -c "bin/pulsar-admin tenants create apache" && \
kubectl exec -it -n pulsar pulsar-toolset-0 -- /bin/bash -c "bin/pulsar-admin namespaces create apache/pulsar" && \
kubectl exec -it -n pulsar pulsar-toolset-0 -- /bin/bash -c "bin/pulsar-admin topics create-partitioned-topic apache/pulsar/test-topic -p 4" && \
kubectl exec -it -n pulsar pulsar-toolset-0 -- /bin/bash -c "bin/pulsar-admin topics list-partitioned-topics apache/pulsar"

Use Pulsar client to produce and consume messages

Proxy: You can use the IP address to produce and consume messages to the installed Pulsar cluster. Note: Java version 17+ is required.

  1. Expose Proxy

minikube service pulsar-proxy -n pulsar -p clusterName

  1. Download the Apache Pulsar tarball
  2. Decompress the tarball based on your download file.
  3. Expose PULSAR_HOME.
    • Enter the directory of the decompressed download file.
    • Expose PULSAR_HOME as the environment variable.

export PULSAR_HOME=$(pwd)

  1. Create a subscription to consume messages from apache/pulsar/test-topic.

bin/pulsar-client consume -s sub apache/pulsar/test-topic -n 0

  1. Open a new terminal. In the new terminal, create a producer and send 10 messages to the test-topic topic.

bin/pulsar-client produce apache/pulsar/test-topic -m "---------hello apache pulsar-------" -n 10

  1. Verify the results.

Initialize Pulsar Manager

Due to it being super buggy and useless at this point I will not use it

kubectl exec -it pulsar-pulsar-manager-pod -- /bin/bash
export SPRING_CONFIGURATION_FILE=/pulsar-manager/pulsar-manager/application.properties
CSRF_TOKEN=$(curl http://localhost:7750/pulsar-manager/csrf-token)
curl \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-X PUT http://localhost:7750/pulsar-manager/users/superuser \
-d '{"name": "admin", "password": "apachepulsar", "description": "test", "email": "username@test.org"}'

There's a database related issue

Starting PostGreSQL Server
addgroup: The group `pulsar' already exists.
adduser: The user `pulsar' already exists.
/pulsar-manager/startup.sh: 21: initdb: not found
/pulsar-manager/startup.sh: 22: pg_ctl: not found
createdb: error: could not connect to database template1: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
        Is the server running locally and accepting
        connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
psql: error: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
        Is the server running locally and accepting
        connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432

issue Pulsar Manager Documentation


Standalone Helm Deployment