
Run commands when Vite starts or a file changes

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Runner plugin for Vite


A plugin for running commands when files change or when Vite starts.

npm i -D vite-plugin-run



Install vite-plugin-run and add it to your Vite configuration:

import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
import laravel from 'vite-plugin-laravel'
import run from 'vite-plugin-run'

export default defineConfig({
	plugins: [
				startup: true,
				name: 'typescript transform',
				run: ['php', 'artisan', 'typescript:transform'],
				condition: (file) => file.includes('Data.php'),
				startup: true,
				name: 'build routes',
				run: ['php', 'artisan', 'routes:generate'],
				condition: (file) => file.includes('/routes/'),

When a file in your project changes, its path will be given as an argument to condition. If the function returns true, a shell command described by run will be executed.


Plugin options

Option Type Description Default
silent bool Whether to hide the commands output in the console true
skipDts bool Whether to skip HMR reloads when a .d.ts file changes true
input Runner[] List of runners []

Optionally, you can directly pass a runner or a list of runner to the plugin options.


Runner options

Option Type Description Default
startup bool Whether the command should run when Vite starts false
name string An identifier for the runner, used in logs
condition () => boolean A function that should return true for a file change to execute the runner
run () => string[] or string[] A command executed when a file changed and the condition matches
onFileChanged () =>void A callback executed when a file changed and the condition matches
delay number Delay before the command is executed 50


Built with ❤︎ by Enzo Innocenzi