
Title: The pokemon challenge - PHP style

  • Repository: challenge-pokemon-php

  • Type of Challenge: Learning

  • Duration: 3 days

  • Deployment strategy : NA

  • Team challenge : solo

Learning objectives

  • Starting with PHP
    • To be able to write a simple condition and a simple loop
    • To know how to access external resources (API)
  • To know where to search for PHP documentation
  • To find out how much easier it is to learn a second programming language

The Mission

Remember the Pokemon challenge we did in Javascript? Today we are going to re-create this challenge in PHP!

You will be surprised how easy it is to pick a new language, once you know your first programming language (Javascript).

Take a deep breath, and remember: you can do this!



Here are a few functions you will need to help you on your way.

Be careful to get an array, not an object, back from json_decode(). Read the documentation how to do this. You could do it with objects, but it will be more difficult.

How to search for PHP documentation

PHP has very good documentation available on www.php.net. There is a nice trick you can use to quickly get documentation on any php function. Just type in the browser php.net/FUNCTION_NAME and you will arrive at the correct documentation page. Also spend some time clicking on the "See Also" section at the bottom of each page, this will quickly get you a good overview of what is possible with PHP.

PHP the right way

Another interesting read is https://phptherightway.com. This is not so much documentation over each separate function, but gives you more an overview of best practices and how different components work together.