Real-Time Bike Station Availability Monitoring

The Real-Time Bike Station Availability Monitoring is a system designed to track and analyze the status of cycling stations using the JCDecaux API. It utilizes a data pipeline comprising Kafka, Spark, Elasticsearch, and Kibana to process and visualize real-time data.

System Architecture

  • Kafka: Ingests real-time data from cycling stations.
  • Spark: Processes and analyzes the data.
  • Elasticsearch: Stores and indexes the processed data.
  • Kibana: Visualizes insights on an interactive dashboard.

Each service runs in its own Docker container.


  1. Create an account at JCDecaux Developer to get the access token for the data.
  2. Create and activate a Conda environment.
  3. Run the following command to install the required packages:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Build the Docker containers:
    docker-compose build
  5. Start the Docker containers in detached mode:
    docker-compose up -d
  6. Copy the script into the Spark container:
    docker cp -L ./ real-time-cycling-station-monitor-project-spark-master-1:/opt/bitnami/spark/
  7. Execute the Spark job to process data:
    docker-compose exec spark-master spark-submit --class consumer --packages org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.12:3.2.4,org.elasticsearch:elasticsearch-spark-30_2.12:8.8.2,commons-httpclient:commons-httpclient:3.1 ./
  8. Run the Kafka producer:
    python ./


You can visualize the results in the interactive Kibana dashboard. Below is an example of the dashboard:
