
Learning these basic elements in depth to turn a JS interview favorable to myself.

1) Understand the JS functions well

2) Understand JavaScript scope well {Closures as well}

3) Understand this keyword well(global, function and object scopes)

4) Understand objects well =======(unfinished)

5) Understand Prototypical Inheritance well

6) Pass By Value And Pass By Reference In JavaScript

7) Hoisting

8) Callback functions

9) Understand the regular expressions well =======(unfinished)

10) Understand Map, Reduce and Filter well

11) Event Bubbling & Event Capturing

12) Big O Notation — Time and Space Complexity

JavaScript and React Interview Question

1)How do you write comments inside JSX?
2)What is virtual DOM?
3)Mutability and immutability?
4)Data flow in React?
5)Map, Filter, Reduce, Every, Some array methods.
6)Reverse String.
7)Hoisting in JS Refer to A.
7)What is a promise? In which states can a Promise be?
8)Difference between Map and ForEach methods.
9)Prop validation in React.
10)What is the children prop in React?
11)What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous code in JavaScript?
12)What are reducers? What are actions?
13)What are falsy values in JavaScript?
A. Hoisting

//What will be the output?

var first = 1;

function myFunc() { console.log(first); var first = 2; }

myFunc() B.

//What will be the output?

function myFunc() { return { message: 'Hello' } }

myFunct() C.

//What will be the output?

const funcOne = () => console.log('one');

const funcTwo = () => { console.log('two'); return funcOne; }

funcTwo()(); D.

//What will be the output?

const arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6]; const result = => item * 2)[3];


E. Pass by value, pass by reference.

//What will be the output? //Part 1 var user1 = {name : "nerd", org: "dev"}; var user2 = {name : "nerd", org: "dev"};

user1 === user2

//Part 2 var arr1 = [1,2,3]; var arr2 = [1,2,3];

arr1 === arr2

//Part 3 var person = { name: 'Sachin' } var newPerson = person; newPerson.age = 24



1)What is call stack in JavaScript? What is the size of stack in Google Chrome?