Play the original game!

Opening the project

  1. Download the project files. git clone

  2. Use Unity Hub to open the cloned directory (the name of the project you're trying to open should read treacherous-trials-plus).

  3. The project should open after some loading time, and be fully functional.

Making your own custom mods!


Included in the source code is the full tileset for use in Unity's 2D Tile Palette (see Assets/Tiles). This can be used to make any custom level you so desire. Note that the Z-index option in the tile palette can allow for tiles to overlap on the same tilemap.

A note on the tiles: the three copies of each sprite correspond to how that in-object behaves upon switching. The top one (red/yellow) is always active, the middle one (also red/yellow) switches, and is on by default, and the bottom one (blue/green) switched, and is off by default.

Note on Scripts

Since the scripts had to be decompiled from the original game, there may be some parts of scripts that seem bizarre upon first look-through. In addition, some scripts had to be modified so that the original game's behaviour was properly reflected. Other than this, the scripts should be relatively readable.

Happy creating ^w^