
A simple, incomplete Java "game" proof of concept

Primary LanguageJava

ArcherGame ArcherGame logo

ArcherGame* is a top-down 2D action game**.

* "ArcherGame" is just a working title/placeholder until I decide on an official name.

** This is very much a work in progress, and there's no real gameplay to it yet.


See releases.


Key(s) Description
W or Walk up
S or Walk down
A or Walk left
D or Walk right
Ctrl+D Toggle debug mode
Debug mode
Key(s) Description
Left-click and drag Create a square object
Ctrl+Left-click and drag Create a circle object
Shift+Left-click and drag Create a triangle object
Right-click and drag Delete objects


  • MouseInput - Find a pure JavaFX (non-AWT) way to get the mouse location when it's outside the window
  • Circle - Make collision box circular
  • Triangle - Make collision box triangular
  • Debug - Fix runtime showing as 10:MM:SS instead of HH:MM:SS
  • Debug - Make FPS display smoother
  • Player - Add eyelids; blinking, squinting, etc.
  • Player - Make pupils follow cursor vertically as well, not just horizontally
  • Player - Add arrow(s), and hand that holds them
  • Player - Pull back bowstring when left mouse button held down
  • Player - Fire an arrow when left mouse button released
  • AbstractMobileObject - Improve collision detection


  • The current logo (a placeholder) is from Icons8