
Primary LanguageTypeScript

pi-temp - DHT11/22 Sensor driver + Data collector and visualizer

This project uses tweaked gapan's dht sensor protocol implementation to obtain data from sensor. To collect and visualize data project uses node.js, simple http server, apex charts and sqlite with sequelize ORM.

As a result you will get nice chart-visualized sensor data: Screenshot_20220927_225437

How to make this work

First of all you need to install wiringpi library, to do so, run following command:

sudo apt-get install wiringpi

Then you need to clone this repo somewhere:

git clone https://github.com/Hatry1337/pi-temp

Go to project directory and create .env file

Put inside of file this template and edit if needed


PORT - port, where webserver will listen for requests

HOST - interface ip address, where webserver will listen for requests ( for all interfaces)

DATABASE- path, where your sqlite database will be located

DRIVER - path to sensor driver executable (You need to compile it or get binary from releases section)

⚠ Pre-Compiled binaries uses by default GPIO4 pin of raspberry pi. If you wanna use other pin, you will need to compile driver by yourself.

Then use npm to install typescript compiler and project dependencies:

sudo npm i -g typescript && npm i

When dependencies are installed you can build typescript:


Now you are ready to run the server:

node ./dist/main.js

How to compile driver:

Go to ./driver directory and edit driver source if needed

Then use gcc to compile source file:

gcc -o dht11 dht11.c -lwiringPi -lwiringPiDev

Take binary file dht11 somewhere and put it's path to the .env file