
Custom tabbar

Primary LanguageSwift


Custom tabbar

Update content: because of the update of the swift language, a lot of compilation errors occur, and the update is updated to the latest swift4.0


Swift custom tabBar

Be free and at leisure, a lot of OC's code custom tabbar tabs, just learned Swift, used to practice, then wrote a pure code custom tabbar TAB, Please see the demo in detail and welcome correction, optimization and supplement QQ: 479069761 email:15188588180@163.com

闲来无事,看到的好多OC的代码自定义的tabbar选项卡,刚好学习的Swift,用来练手,于是写了一个纯代码自定义的TabBar 选项卡, 详细请看demo,欢迎指正、优化和补充 QQ:479069761 email:15188588180@163.com