
A Spring & Hibernate-based E-commerce System

Primary LanguageJava

Ecommerce Web Application

  • Developed a web application based on Spring MVC to support item search and listing (dependency injection, inversion of control, etc.)

Table of contents

1. Project Description

  • Spring Web MVC provides Model-View-Controller architecture to develop flexible web applications
    • Model carries application data
    • View renders User interface (UI)
    • Controller takes care of processing user request and calling back end services.

Spring MVC framework

Spring MVC framework

2. Infrastructure Design

  • 3-tier architecture
    • Presentation tier: XML
    • Data tier: MySQL
    • Logic tier: Java, Hibernate

3. MVC Implementation

  • Controller
    • Registration
    • HomePage
    • Product
    • Cart
    • CartItem
  • Model
    • Authorities
    • BillingAddress
    • Cart
    • CartItem
    • Customer
    • Product
    • SalesOrder
    • ShippingAddress
    • User

4. Database Implementation

  • MySQL
    • ShippingAddress - store shipping address
    • BillingAddress - store billing address
    • Customer - store full information of a customer
    • User - store user email and password separately
    • SalesOrder - store sales order
    • Cart - store total price of products in the cart
    • CartItem - store detail infomation for all items in the cart
    • Product - store product information
    • Authorities - store authorities of users


MySQL database schema

5. Flow States

  • View: pauses the flow and invites the user to participate in the flow
  • Action: business logic takes place
  • Subflow: new flow
  • End: flow termination