GRASShopper is an experimental verification tool for programs that manipulate dynamically allocated data structures. GRASShopper programs can be annotated with specifications expressed in a decidable specification logic to check functional correctness properties. The logic supports mixing of separation logic and first-order logic assertions, yielding expressive yet concise specifications.
The tool is released under a BSD license, see file LICENSE for details.
OCaml, version >= 4.01
Z3, version >= 3.2, and/or
CVC4, version >= 1.5
GRASShopper has been tested on Linux, Mac OS, and Windows/Cygwin.
- To produce native code compiled executables, run
- Optional: to check whether the build succeeded, run
./ tests
To run GRASShopper, execute e.g.
./grasshopper.native tests/spl/sl/sl_reverse.spl
The analyzer expects the Z3 (respectively, CVC4) executable in the path.
To see the available command line options, run
./grasshopper.native -help
GRASShopper provides two emacs modes for GRASShopper programs:
SPL mode: this mode provides syntax highlighting and automatic indentation for the GRASShopper input programs (see tests/spl for examples).
GHP mode: this mode provides syntax highlighting for the intermediate representation of programs inside GRASShopper. Such programs can be generated by running GRASShopper with the option
-dumpghp n
. Here, n=0,1,2,3 refers to the n-th simplification stage of verification condition generation.
To use the emacs modes, copy the files in the directory emacs-mode to
your site-lisp directory and add the following lines to your .emacs
(load "spl-mode")
(load "ghp-mode")
Optional: Flycheck minor mode
If you are using Emacs 24.1 or newer, we suggest to use the
flycheck minor mode of the SPL emacs mode. To do so, copy the file
emacs-mode/flycheck.el into your site-lisp
directory. Additionally,
you need to put the GRASShopper executable in your path and rename it
to grasshopper
. The mode supports on-the-fly syntax and type
checking of SPL programs and provides keyboard shortcuts for verifying
the program from inside buffers. See the documentation in the file
for details.
Note that we are using a patched version of the original flycheck mode by Sebastian Wiesner. The minor mode will not work correctly with the original version of the flycheck mode.
For more information visit