
Elate personalhåndbok

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

under construction


Elate's "personalhåndbok".

Book available here: https://elateas.github.io/phb


Git clone and run

> npm i && npm start


Travis CI builds every PR. When a PR is merged to master Travis also handles deploy to the gh-pages branch, this is the branch used by github pages to serve the site at https://elateas.github.io/phb

See .travis.yml for details.

To run the build step locally (without deploy):

> npm run travis-ci


Custom CSS

Custom CSS can be added in src/custom/style.css

Custom JS

Custom javascript can be added in src/custom/script.css

The global variable gitbook is available here for all sorts of things. Check it out in devtools to see what it's got!

Book properties

book.json properties

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    "description": "Personalhåndbok for Elate's ansatte"