Software Engineer | Frontend | React. JS. Open to new opportunities.
@microverseincKampala, Uganda
Have-Samuel's Stars
An issue tracking project that revolutionizes the way you manage and solve bugs!
In this project, I recreated a full web page with mobile and desktop versions of a Portfolio project using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
For this project, I created a dynamic website for a technology conference. Drawing on my design skills and creativity, I developed a unique and engaging event theme that served as the foundation for the website's content. To showcase the latest trends and advancements in the tech industry.
A ToDo List web-app where you can do the following: Add new list with app, you can of course delete task from the list, mark task as completed, edit task and clear completed task(s).
Blogger is a website design with aim of providing a space for the public to post or read blogs. Besides blogging a walking customer will be able to read blogs from bloggers. it provides a profile for customers that includes their reputation and other information.
My professional personal portfolio website which showcase my personal information, resume, skills and projects as a fullstack software developer.
The "Awesome Books" website showcases a list of books that users can add or remove. Using my expertise in JavaScript and wireframing, I developed an intuitive and user-friendly interface. The platform is optimized for a seamless experience, with straightforward controls and a minimalist design. The website emphasizes functionality.
This is my portfolio project that showcases my skills in HTML, CSS, and JS. I have designed and developed it to be fully responsive, ensuring that it works seamlessly on both mobile and desktop devices. Additionally, it has been optimized for optimal performance to provide a smooth user experience.
A basic template for a Portfolio Website
Bootstrap version of my portfolio
Simple but yet powerful a webpack boilerplate, which you can later use as a starting point in your projects.
Basic local website that allows users to add/remove books from a list.
Simple HTML list of To Do tasks made with Webpack | Allow the user local save, remove & track tasks.
In this capstone project, I created an Art blog website that encourages artists to post their designs and also helps them to participate in different events especially related to the art gallery, and also gives them a chance to present their works at the event show. However, my main intention is to use HTML5/CSS and JavaScript best practices and apply these concepts which is I learned from the Microverse Training - Module 1 to this amazing website.
In this capstone project, I created a plain javascript project which is add a book title and it's author into localstorage and retrive the items to book list section.
In this project, I intended to use webpack and apply to ToDo List Project. and this project is store list into local storage, add, remove, edit and update list data
Basic build project for an online creative courses webpage.
In this portfolio you can get all of the information about me, including my contact information and the projects that I have made.
Awesome Book is an application that can add and remove books with the name of author and it's author name. These books are stored in the local storage. Built with JavaScript.
is a conference web page project and the content of a web design conference can vary depending on the specific event, but generally, it includes a range of topics related to web design, development, user experience, and digital marketing. Built with HMTL, CSS and JavaScript.
To Do List: It's a minimalistic & dynamic To Do List web app! This is a project branch for setting up the structure of the To Do List web app. Built with JavaScript.
This app enables users to get instant Information regarding weather conditions. If you share your location, it will fetch the top 10 cities near you and all the weather detail for each. You can also search for any city in the world and get the detail. It makes use of 3 different APIs. To fetch data, map coordinates, and locate your area and cities near you.
My Web projects portfolio
Restructures Awesome books app to use modules and ES6 syntax.