A free GUI application for HandBrake and FFmpeg/FFprobe with an emphasis on batch conversion (including recursive folder scans and folder watching) -Windows, macOS, Linux & Docker
- aaronwJordanPCG
- adamNewellUnited States
- albino1
- alex-phillipsRaleigh, NC
- antoinesylviaDallas, Texas
- aronwk-aaron@BeyondTrust
- biship34787
- bobsage123
- bodrick
- brendenc00k
- ChasbobRISQ Capital
- Codeman20400
- d00gatr0n
- dwin@SpotOnInc
- elisimpsonTokyo, Japan
- gitsf
- GldRush98Springfield, IL
- gonecrazy25
- jhawkinsvalrico
- jhorning
- JonasBogvad
- JourneyOverUnited States
- lavaground
- lucianahananBrasil
- MikeDawgGreat Salt Lake City, Utah Area
- NymChimpsky
- pugmandan
- random404-bot
- raynorpat@FlamingEnt
- s-milHouston
- sunjerry019München, Deutschland / Singapore
- tchigher
- therealt3nzin
- WojtekK78
- womsley
- zhiayangSingapore