
Skia workload and separate `net7.0-skia` TargetFramework like Tizen.NET to use Skia in single project solutions and differentiate it from `net7.0`

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT


dotnet License: MIT Discord

Skia is separate TPM for developing Skia applications within a single project, if there are other TargetFrameworks using the main net7.0 TPM.


Just install and add net7.0-skia to TargetFrameworks.


You can install Skia workload for .NET 6.0/7.0/8.0 by using the installer script.

  • On Linux / macOS:
curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HavenDV/Skia/main/scripts/workload-install.sh | sudo bash

if you want to install a specific version of Skia workload or install to a specific directory, use the following command:

curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HavenDV/Skia/main/scripts/workload-install.sh | bash /dev/stdin -v <version> -d <directory>
  • On Windows:
Invoke-WebRequest 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HavenDV/Skia/main/scripts/workload-install.ps1' -OutFile 'workload-install.ps1';
./workload-install.ps1 [-v <version>] [-d <directory>]

You can see the Skia workload as follows if it is properly installed.

PS D:\workspace> dotnet workload list

This command lists only workloads that were installed via `dotnet workload install` in this version of the SDK and not those that were installed via Visual Studio.

Installed Workload Ids

Use `dotnet workload search` to find additional workloads to install.

Updates are avaliable for the following workload(s): maui skia. Run `dotnet workload update` to get the latest  


You can test this project using these commands(tested on macOS) in src/tasks/tasks folder:

dotnet build /t:TestWorkload
dotnet build /t:WorkloadUninstall

other possible targets(it already included in targets above):

You can override these properties:
/p:UseCurrentDotnet=true - Will install workload to current dotnet instead downloaded.


Although this is a working solution, I have simplified some things regarding workload and manifest, which could theoretically cause problems (for example, when upgrading to a new sdk version).
I'll be glad to hear about it in issues.


Official documentation regarding the design of Workloads and Sdks:


Priority place for bugs: https://github.com/HavenDV/Skia/issues
Priority place for ideas and general questions: https://github.com/HavenDV/Skia/discussions
Discord: https://discord.gg/g8u2t9dKgE