Getting Started
import 'package:flutter_microsoft_authentication/flutter_microsoft_authentication.dart';
FlutterMicrosoftAuthentication fma = FlutterMicrosoftAuthentication(
kClientID: "<client-id>",
kAuthority: "",
kScopes: ["User.Read", "User.ReadBasic.All"],
androidConfigAssetPath: "assets/auth_config.json" // Android MSAL Config file
// Sign in interactively
String authToken = await this.fma.acquireTokenInteractively;
// Sign in silently
String authToken = await this.fma.acquireTokenSilently;
// Sign out
await this.fma.signOut;
Import the Flutter Microsoft Authentication package into your flutter application by adding it to the list of dependencies in your pubsec.yaml file.
flutter_microsoft_authentication: ^0.1.0
Configuring MSAL for Android
Getting Started | Library | API Reference | Support |
- Register your app
- Create App Registration in Azure Portal
- In Authentication, add Android platform and fill in your bundle id
- Make note of the MSAL Configuration
- Add BrowserTabActivity with RedirectUri to Android Manifest.xml
<activity android:name="">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
android:path="/[Signature Hash]"
android:scheme="msauth" />
- Create Msal Configuration JSON file
"client_id": "<client id>",
"authorization_user_agent": "DEFAULT",
"redirect_uri": "<redirect uri>",
"account_mode": "SINGLE",
"broker_redirect_uri_registered": true,
"shared_device_mode_supported": true,
"authorities": [
"type": "<type>",
"audience": {
"type": "<type>",
"tenant_id": "<tenant id>"
- Add android MSAL config file to pubspec.yaml assets
- assets/auth_config.json
Configuring MSAL for iOS
- Register your app
- Create App Registration in Azure Portal
- In Authentication, add iOS platform and fill in your bundle id
- Make note of the MSAL Configuration
- Add Keychain Sharing capability
- In Xcode, under your applications Signing and Capabilities, add Keychain Sharing
- Keychain Group should be
- Completely fine to have multiple Keychain Groups
- This allows MSAL to use the keychain to share Microsoft Authentication sessions
- Set up URL Schemes
- Add the following CFBundleURLTypes to your
file. - Remember to replace the bundle id.
- Allow MSAL to use Microsoft Authenticator if it is installed
- Add the following LSApplicationQueriesSchemes to your
- Handle the redirect callback
- Import MSAL
import MSAL
- Within your AppDelegate.swift file add the following method
override func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
return MSALPublicClientApplication.handleMSALResponse(url, sourceApplication: options[UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey.sourceApplication] as? String)
- Ensure that the minimum target is set to iOS 11
- In Xcode, under General > Deployment info > Set the target to be no less than iOS 11