
Is a simple PHP class that posts to an incoming-webhook URL in a Slack channel

Primary LanguagePHP


Is a simple PHP class that posts to an incoming-webhook URL in a Slack channel. Although it uses the PSR-3 Logger Interface as a template it is not an actual dependency for it to work.

Slack incoming webhook configuration

Follow this extensive article to guide you through, https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2017/04/using-slack-monitor-app/.


Just include it in your project and edit the following two variables to your desired values.

 * The incoming-webhook URL the Slack
 * integration configuration provides.
 * @var [type]
private $incomingWebhookURL = "";

 * The username that will be used when
 * posting on the channel.
 * @var string
private $username = "";


$slack = new SlackLogger("#general");
$slack->emergency("This is a slack `emergency` notification");
$slack->alert("This is a slack `alert` notification");
$slack->critical("This is a slack `critical` notification");
$slack->error("This is a slack `error` notification");
$slack->warning("This is a slack `warning` notification");
$slack->notice("This is a slack `notice` notification");
$slack->info("This is a slack `info` notification");
$slack->debug("This is a slack `debug` notification");

You can find more informattion about message formatting here, https://api.slack.com/docs/message-formatting.

My thanks to @netgfx for the idea, and patience with all the spamming during development.