
an opinionated wrapper to run Borg backup on multiple source directories listed with a configuration file

Primary LanguageRust


Borgify is an opinionated wrapper to run Borg backup on multiple source directories listed with a configuration file, with optional btrfs snapshotting to make backing up live filesystems safe.

Config file

Borgify reads its configuration from /etc/borgify.json. The top-level document must be of object type. It must have a key named archives, and may additionally have a key named defaults.

defaults section

The defaults section, if present, must be of object type and contains default values for keys in individual archive items. If a required key is not specified in the defaults section, it must be specified for each archive. If a key is specified in the defaults section, it may be omitted (even if required) in an archive; if specified, the archive-specific value overrides the value from defaults.

The following keys can be specified in the defaults section:

  • compression
  • repository

archives section

The archives section must be of object type. Each entry has a key which is a name for the archive (used to name the Borg archives) and a value of object type. The value contains the details of the archive. The following keys are defined:

  • compression: Required, string. The compression method and parameters to use to compress data. This value is passed to Borg’s --compression option.
  • repository: Required, string. The URL of the repository where the backup data will be stored. This must have already been created via borg init. If a filesystem path is used, it must be absolute (not relative).
  • root: Required, string. The path to the top-level directory of the data to back up.
  • btrfs_snapshot: Optional, boolean (absent is equivalent to false). If true, the path specified in root will be snapshotted before backup begins, Borg will be pointed at the snapshot to back up, and the snapshot will be deleted afterwards. The snapshot will be placed at a randomized name in the parent directory of the specified root.
  • patterns: Array of string, optional (absent is equivalent to empty array). One or more Borg include/exclude patterns, each starting with either +, -, P, or ! (R is prohibited), each of which will be passed to Borg via --pattern.


Each time Borgify is invoked, it will do the following steps in order:

  1. Read and parse the config file.
  2. Verify that all repositories are available, and ask for a passphrase for each if necessary.
  3. For each archive, run borg create to back up the specified files.

Borg invocation options

When borg create is invoked, Borgify passes the following options:

  • --verbose
  • --progress
  • --iec
  • --umask 0027
  • --stats
  • --exclude-caches
  • --timestamp with the same timestamp for each archive in the run
  • --compression with the value specified in the config file
  • --pattern for each pattern specified in the config file

The archive name comprises the key in the archives object, a hyphen, and the run timestamp (the same as passed to --timestamp), converted to your local timezone.

The BORG_FILES_CACHE_SUFFIX environment variable will be set equal to the archive name (aka the key in the archives section).