
Convert Grisbi files to ledger-cli format

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

What is Grisbi2Ledger?

Grisbi2Ledger is a script to convert financial tracking files from the XML-based format used by the open-source tool Grisbi http://grisbi.org into the plain-text format used by Ledger http://ledger-cli.org and similar tools.

How do I run it?

./grisbi2ledger /path/to/input.gsb /path/to/output.ldg

What exactly does it convert to?


Each account in Grisbi turns into one account in Ledger. The name is the Grisbi name prefixed with either Assets: or Liabilities: depending on the Grisbi account type. An account directive is added, along with a currency assertion and notes for certain Grisbi fields such as account number. Any nonzero opening balance is taken from an account called Equity:Opening Balance in a single transaction generated at the top of the Ledger file.


Each currency in Grisbi turns into one currency in Ledger. The symbol in Ledger is the symbol in Grisbi if either that symbol is unique or this is the first currency using it; otherwise, the symbol in Ledger is the abbreviation in Grisbi. A note is added to the commodity directive with the name of the currency.


Each normal transaction (i.e. not a split or transfer) in Grisbi becomes a transaction in Ledger with two postings, one for the asset or liability account and one for an account named after the category (and sub-category if present) prefixed with either Income: or Expenses: depending on the Grisbi category type. If the transaction involved a foreign currency, the asset or liability posting uses its native currency while the income or expense posting uses the foreign currency amount with @ syntax.

Each pair of transactions forming a transfer in Grisbi becomes a single transaction in Ledger with two postings, one for each account, in its native currency.

Each split transaction in Grisbi becomes a single transaction in Ledger with one posting for the account in which the split transaction appeared plus one more posting for each child transaction. Both normal and transfer transactions may appear as children of splits, and their postings are generated as per the preceding two paragraphs.

In all cases, the payee name of a transaction is copied from Grisbi to Ledger. Any Grisbi notes are copied into Ledger comments. If a bank reference is present on exactly one Grisbi transaction, it is copied into the Ledger transaction’s CODE field; otherwise, the bank references are copied into comments. Comments indicating the Grisbi transaction numbers involved are written out in the Ledger transaction.

Each posting is marked with a * (cleared) if and only if the corresponding Grisbi transaction has been reconciled.


Each reconciliation in Grisbi becomes a transaction in Ledger with the payee name Reconciliation and a single balanced-virtual (i.e. square-bracket-syntax) posting with a balance assertion against the reconciled value. The reconciliation name from Grisbi is copied into a comment, as is the list of which Grisbi transactions are covered by the reconciliation.

Is it production-ready?


There are probably certain Grisbi features it doesn’t handle. It makes many sanity checks before starting the conversion, so in most cases, if it sees something it doesn’t understand, it will abort and explain the problem. Its output is also a bit messy in some cases.

It also probably doesn’t produce output in exactly the format you want. That’s because it produces output in the format I want, and we probably want slightly different formats. Please fork and change the output format to your taste.

Please check the Issues tab for more details.

Something is broken!

Fix it and submit a pull request, please. I don’t use Grisbi2Ledger (I used it exactly once, immediately after writing it); therefore I don’t actively maintain it. I’ll accept pull requests that fix bugs, though, so other people can benefit.


Grisbi2Ledger is © Christopher Head and is released under the GNU General Public License version 3.