Aggragated Signatures: {n,n} scheme based on simple_schnorr_multi_signatures_with_applications_to_bitcoin and the scheme for discrete-logs (section 5) from compact_multi_signatures_for_smaller_blockchains
Multi-signature scheme based on Micali-Ohta-Reyzin: Accountable-Subgroup Multisignatures. This code is being used currently for 2p-Schnorr key management.
Threshold Schnorr scheme based on provably secure distributed schnorr signatures and a {t,n} threshold scheme. For more efficient implementation we used the DKG from Fast Multiparty Threshold ECDSA with Fast Trustless Setup. The cost is robustness: if there is a malicious party out of the n parties in DKG the protocol stops and if there is a malicious party out of the t parties used for signing the signature protocol will stop.
The implementations aim to be bip-schnorr compliant.
(1) This code should not be used for production at the moment.
(2) This code is not secure against side-channel attacks
(3) The code do not contain a network layer (if you are interested, check white-city for ongoing effort, contribtutions are welcome)
threshold 3 out of 5 with 4 parties in signing
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