
This repo contains NodeJS Day 3 Task of MERN Stack. Student Mentor Assignment.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NodeJS Day 3 Task - Student Mentor Assignment.


This API provides endpoints for performing Student Mentor assignment.

To perfrom the CRUD operations refer the POSTMAN documentation as reference to end points.

CRUD Opeartions for MENTOR :


➡️ Create Mentor

URL - /api/createMentor

Method - POST

➡️ Get All Mentors

URL - /api/getMentors

Method - GET

➡️ Get All Particular Mentor

URL - /api/getMentorById/:id

Method - GET

➡️ Update Particular Mentor

URL - /api/updateMentor/:id

Method - PUT

➡️ DeleteParticular Mentor

URL - /api/deleteMentor/:id

Method - DELETE

CRUD Opeartions for STUDENT :


➡️ Create Student

URL - /api/createStudent

Method - POST

➡️ Get All Student

URL - /api/getStudents

Method - GET

➡️ Get All Particular Student

URL - /api/getStudent/:id

Method - GET

➡️ Update Particular Student

URL - /api/updateStudent/:id Method - PUT

➡️ DeleteParticular Student

URL - /api/deleteStudent/:id

Method - DELETE

Opeartions for Student Assingment :


➡️ Get Previous Mentor for Particular Student

URL - /api/getPreviousMentor/:id

Method - GET

➡️ Assign Students to a Mentor

URL - /api/assignMentor

Method - PUT

➡️ Modify Mentor for a Paticular Student

URL - /api/modifyMentor

Method - PUT