
This repo contains React Day 11 Task of MERN Stack. Build a Library management system using simple CRUD operation from API using Axios with Formik and Yup Validation.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Day 11 of React Task - Library Management System using CRUD with axios and Formik and Yup validation.

About the Website

Navigation from one page to another by clicking the links in the side bar or footer of the website.

The Dashboard page displays the available books.

The Manage page displays the data of all the users along with Edit and Delete buttons to perform the specific functions and Create button at bottom to create.

To edit the user data click the edit button in the Manage page which redirects to Edit page.

To delete a user data click the delete button in the Manage page and the particular user data will immediately get deleted from the api.

To create a new user navigate click the create button either in side bar or footer of website.

Deployed the Work in Netilfy