JHipster IDE is an Xtext DSL which provides textual editing support of JHipster Domain Language files for popular IDEs and editors such as Eclipse and Visual Studio Code.
- JHipster IDE with an JDL editor and shell integration to call JHipster generator directly from the IDE and everything you would expect from a modern IDE editor (syntax coloring, validations, formatting, refactoring, find references etc.).
- Xdocker - to manage docker images and containers in JHipster IDE.
- UML Diagramm of the JDL model.
Installation Prerequisites
Eclipse installation
JHipster IDE is available in the Eclipse Marketplace. Just open the marketplace dialog in Eclipse (Help > Eclipse Marketplace...) and search for JHipster.
Visual Studio Code installation
Search for jhipster and install/reload code.
Atom installation
Search for jhipster and install/reload atom.