Note (26/12): With the launch of 3.0, this downloader is now obsolete. The new launcher is fairly stable and game files are now protected by user auth, so there's no need, and no possible way for me to continue development of this project.
Downloadable binaries are available in releases
The GUI is pretty straight forward, but if you get confused, see INSTRUCTIONS.txt
Core features:
- Option to maintain the normal SC file structure or save by game version
- Option to use a custom build file from old versions of SC
- Directory saving on exit
- Download speed/file indicator
- Works behind proxy server
- Material design
- Other random stuff
- Requires Windows 7 SP1 or newer
- 64-bit only
Contributions are welcome:
- .NET 4.7 | WPF MVVM | C# 7.1 | Visual Studio 2017 (v15.3)
- Please run any major modifications by me first on the ZephyrDev server:
This is a personal project of mine so you'll probably see some pointless overengineering
All Star Citizen assets & files are copyright Cloud Imperium Games & Foundry 42.