
Runtime Postgres SQL initialization & migration for Quartz.NET

Primary LanguageC#



This package provides runtime Postgres SQL initialization & migration for Quartz.NET.

Schema updates can be executed standalone or as part of Marten's migration execution.

Running Standalone Migrations

Ideally this would be executed in a hosted service during startup.

QuartzSchema.Create(...) should be called, passing in either a NpgsqlDataSource or connection string.

// A custom Postgres schema can be optionally provided as a parameter.
var db = QuartzSchema.Create(dbSource);

await db.ApplyAllConfiguredChangesToDatabaseAsync();


Quartz schema can be added to Marten's own schema management via its configuration:

// A custom Postgres schema can be optionally provided as a parameter.
foreach (var table in QuartzSchema.AllTables())

Future updates

The version of this package will stay in line with Quartz major versions (ie v3 == 3.x.x).

If a new schema version is released, simply updating this package and running the application will bring your DB up to date.