
it is unofficial repository maintained by me @hax4us. you can check available packages in README

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


it is unofficial repository maintained by me @hax4us. you can check available packages in README

List Of Available Packages (aarch64, arm)

x11-stable repo

  1. xfce4 Desktop Environment (with all base dependencies)

pentesting repo

  1. beef-xss

How To Add x11-stable Repo (for gui packages)

  1. Add new sources list file mkdir -p $PREFIX/etc/apt/sources.list.d && printf "deb https://hax4us.github.io/termux-x/ x11-stable main" > $PREFIX/etc/apt/sources.list.d/hax4us_x11_stable.list
  2. enable x11 repo apt install x11-repo
  3. add public key wget https://hax4us.github.io/termux-x/hax4us.key && apt-key add hax4us.key
  4. Update apt update

Add pentesting repo (for pentesting packages)

  1. Add new sources list file mkdir -p $PREFIX/etc/apt/sources.list.d && printf "deb https://hax4us.github.io/termux-x/ pentesting main" > $PREFIX/etc/apt/sources.list.d/hax4us_pentesting.list
  2. add public key (same as above step 3)
  3. Now update apt update

Inatall Any Package

apt install pkg_name


currently ruby (bigdecimal extension) is creating problems so after beef installation you will have to follow these step before executing beef command

  1. download the script wget https://hax4us.github.io/files/fix-ruby-bigdecimal.sh
  2. run script chmod +x fix-ruby-bigdecimal.sh && ./fix-ruby-bigdecimal.sh

Packages Will Be Add As Per Your Demand Guys :) (Just Open Issue As A Package Request)