
The software I wrote for this project used the language of rust. The project had the goal of being able to draw a graph with a specific algorithm.

The whole purpose of this software is to show the use of the rust language. This was done by implementing different expressions and conditions, the use of loops, functions and different data structures(in this case the use of vectors). The program was using outside library’s(plotters) to accomplish its goals.

In this video I show how to use the Rust Graphing software that I made. It will describe how to run the program, what it does, and an explanation on the algorithm behind the graphing:
Software Demo Video

Development Environment

  • Rust 1.49.0
  • cargo 1.49.0
  • Crate plotter
  • VScode

Useful Websites

Future Work

  • Implement a random number generator to plot random point each time the project runs
  • Graph different shapes
  • Break up the project by putting each section into it’s own functions