- git init
- echo> .gitignore
- fill .gitignore file with
'# project dependencies' node_modules '# OSX folder attributes' .DS_Store ... etc
- git status
- git add .gitignore
- git -commit -m "You message"
- git add -A --> add all not ignore files
- Create your own repositry on a github, then:
- git remote add origin
- git push -u origin master
- install node packege manager
- npm install --save underscore - i dont know for what that?
- npm install --save-dev gulp
- create and config gulpfile.js
- npm install --save-dev gulp-babel babel-preset-es2015
- create and configure .babelrc
- npm install -g eslint
- eslint --init
- npm install --save-dev gulp-eslint
- Summury:
look at the page 30 book of es6