Kotlin Multiplatform HTTP Client

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

DomeHTTP Client (WIP) Download

This project is a Kotlin Multiplatform HTTP Client, totally work-in-progress, implementation is not optimal, code not tested, API not final.


  • Coroutines-based
  • Small dependencies and almost reflection-free, inline the most we can (small binary size and low methods count because "Android 64k method limit")
  • Make it easy to replace the engine, if needed
  • Someday iOS target will work flawlessly


  • Multi-threading in Native
  • Reflection API, maybe compile-time generated, in Native and JS


repositories {
    maven { url "https://dl.bintray.com/hazer/maven" }

// Common Module
implementation "io.vithor.libs:dome-http:$last_version"

// Android Module
implementation "io.vithor.libs:dome-http-android:$last_version"

// iOS Module
implementation "io.vithor.libs:dome-http-ios:$last_version" // x86/Simulator
implementation "io.vithor.libs:dome-http-iosArm32:$last_version"
implementation "io.vithor.libs:dome-http-iosArm64:$last_version"

// JVM Module
implementation "io.vithor.libs:dome-http-jvm:$last_version"


First you need to declare the Client configuration using default provided engines (you can create your own engine):

val dome = DomeClient(engine = OkHttpEngine() /* or NSUrlSessionEngine() */) {
    timeouts {
        connect = 30.seconds
        read = 30.seconds
        write = 30.seconds

    serialization(KotlinxSerializer(strict = true)) {
        // Unfortunately, right now to work also in iOS, we need to declare all Top Serializers manually.

Then we can make requests as:

// GET request
val todo = dome.get<Todo>("https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1").await(Dispatchers.IO)
// GET request with configurations
val todos: List<Todo> = dome.get<Todo>("https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos") {
    headers += mapOf(
        "X-Header-Name" to "header value"

    addHeader("X-Another-Header", "Another value")

    params = listOf(
        "excerpt" to "yes",
        "user" to "Vithorio",
        "language" to "pt-BR"

    addQueryParam("another-param", "Mage")

 // Because we have no Reflection API in iOS, we cannot write only dome.get<List<Todo>> and work with Kotlinx.Serialization, that's why `asList` exists
// POST request with Json
val todoCreated = dome.post<TodoCreate>("https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos") {
            userId = 1,
            title = "Just a POST test",
            body = "This is what is missing to do"
// POST request with form url encoded
val todoCreated = dome.post<TodoCreate>("https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos") {
        "userId" to "1",
        "title" to "Just a POST test",
        "body" to "This is what is missing to do"
    // or
            "userId" to "1",
            "title" to "Just a POST test",
            "body" to "This is what is missing to do"


This project takes a lot of inspiration from ktorio/ktor and rybalkinsd/kohttp. I started building this project because Ktor Client in Android was heavy, so I made this initially as a study project and as an alternative with lower footprint.