
Compare PostgreSQL settings between two databases to detect drift.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

PostgreSQL RDS Parameters Sync

Compare PostgreSQL settings between two databases to detect drift.


Audit particular settings


$ pgrdsparamsync audit --parameters=max_wal_size

It will get all the databases in the account and region and display their max_wal_size value. Since this can be an expensive operation, a local 1 hour cache is used for each parameter group.

If only a subset of databases is of interest, --db-name-like can be used to filter based on the database name.


$ pgrdsparamsync audit --parameters=max_wal_size,min_wal_size --db-name-like=production

It will audit only the databases that contain the string "production" in their name and display max_wal_size and min_wal_size.

For reporting, we can also print out the above table in CSV format.


$ pgrdsparamsync audit --parameters=max_wal_size,min_wal_size --fmt=csv

Compare a database to another or a parameter group


$ pgrdsparamsync rds-compare --target-db="users-production" --other-db="orders-production"

It will print all the settings that differ between the two databases.

If the goal is to set a standard against the entire database fleet, it is possible to compare a database to a parameter group that represents that standard.


$ pgrdsparamsync rds-compare --target-db="users-production" --parameter-group="pg-11-standard"

It will print all the settings that differ between the target database and the parameter group.

Compare two databases directly


$ pgrdsparamsync pg-compare \
--target-db-url="postgres://user:password@users-production.rds.awsamazon.com" \

RDS parameter groups use formulas to calculate certain settings (e.g. shared_buffers, effective_cache_size, etc.) by default. Sometimes, it is useful to know the actual value. This will connect to the databases directly, query pg_settings, and print the settings that differ.


Fetching parameter groups for 100s of databases is long and expensive. We added a local cache with a 1h TTL. It's stored in /tmp/pgrdsparamsync. The first run of the application will be slow, but subsequent runs will be much faster. To increase the TTL or bust the cache, add an environment variable CACHE_TTL with a value that's not 1h, for example $ export CACHE_TTL=7200 which will set the TTL to 2 hours (7200 seconds).