Question 2:
For this Landing page HTML was used, to avoid over-complication. And for the styling, i used Tailwind CSS, the reasons for using tailwind css are:
It makes the styling process much faster. Tailwind helps you style your HTML elements much faster. Since you don’t have to leave your markup, you can practically style your elements directly. You can create nice layouts in a much shorter time than doing it from scratch.
It provides more convenience. You don’t have to deal with a lot of the issues that many developers face with CSS. IFor such a developer, using the built-in classes that Tailwind provides will relieve the developer from a lot of the struggles with CSS.
It provides security. This is true for any tested framework which people safely use in production. Since it is tested and the framework is stable, you can use it and feel secure that things won’t break. Also, since you’re backed up with a framework created by experienced engineers, they got you covered if any issue arises in the framework.
Question 3:
*The design elements chosen for this paticular Landing page were chosen to give the page a minimal feel *The warm colours used for the gradient were chosen to give an atmosphere of warmth to make visitors to the page feel comfortable. *Times new roman font was used for the Header to make a bold statement. *Also an Animate on scroll library was added for classy transitions.