
Express.js simple app for bangkit 2022 demo

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Express.js Demo for CC-25

🇮🇩 Part of Bangkit 2022

🛑 Please use it wisely! Remeber Bangkit 2022 Code of Conduct! Use it as reference only!

Stack used

  1. 🟨 Express.js Web Framework
  2. 💾 MySQL 8.0

Google Cloud Service used

  1. 💾 Cloud Storage
  2. ⚡️ Cloud Run
  3. 🖥 Compute Engine
  4. 🤖 Vertex AI

Local requirements

  1. 🟨 Node.js
  2. 🐳 Docker
  3. 🚦 Any IDE you like

👨🏽‍💻 How to use in local

  1. Clone this repositroy
  2. Run npm install
  3. Create .env file in root folder with this specifications
Variables Function Example
PORT your_API_port 8080
TOKEN_KEY your_bcrypt_auth_token YVTiYss7HOU=
MYSQL_ROOT_USER your_mysql_root_user root
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD your_mysql_root_pass passw0rd
MYSQL_HOST your_mysql_host_address
ML_API_ENDPOINT your_machine_learning_endpoint https://endpoint.com
  1. Run docker run --name expressjs-demo-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=passw0rd -p -d mysql:8.0
  2. Run docker exec -it expressjs-demo-mysql bash
  3. Populate Database with init_mysql.sql by:
    1. Run sudo mysql -p
    2. Type your password same as MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD
    3. Copy paste all sql script in init_mysql.sql
    4. Exit mysql cli with exit
  4. Exit docker with exit
  5. Run application with npm run dev

☁️ How to use in Cloud

⚡️ Deploy MySQL Database in Compute Engine

  1. Use this link to deploy Virtual Machine with MySQL automatically installed
  2. Click Launch and Enable API Needed
  3. In Deployment page, setup your Virtual Machine
  4. Make sure to checklist Allow TCP port ... so you can test your database from local

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  1. Checklist Term of Services
  2. Deploy and wait
  3. 📝 Note your MySQL user and password
  4. SSH to Virtual Machine
  5. Run sudo apt update && sudo apt install git
  6. Clone this repository
  7. Run cd expressjs-demo
  8. Run sudo mysql -p < init_mysql.sql
  9. Type your password
  10. Done. You can exit SSH
  11. Go to GCP Console > Compute Engine
  12. Click your MySQL Virtual Machine
  13. Stop it
  14. Click Edit
  15. In Network Interface, click the dropdown

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  1. In External IPv4 address, click the dropdown and click Create IP Address
  2. Give your IP name and click Reverse

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  1. Click Done and then Save
  2. Wait and start your Virtual Machine again
  3. 📝 Note your external IP address

⚡️ Deploy API into Cloud Run

  1. In file .env changes your MYSQL_ROOT_USER, MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD, and MYSQL_HOST with your 📝 Note from step 7 and 24
  2. Run export PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)
  3. Run docker build -t gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/expressjs-demo:v1.0 .
  4. Run gcloud auth configure-docker and press Y
  5. Run docker push gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/expressjs-demo:v1.0
  6. Run gcloud run deploy --image gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/expressjs-demo:v1.0 --platform managed
  7. Check your GCP Console > Cloud Run

References :

[1] https://medium.com/@rahulguptalive/create-crud-apis-in-nodejs-express-and-mysql-abda4dfc2d6

[2] https://www.section.io/engineering-education/how-to-build-authentication-api-with-jwt-token-in-nodejs/

[3] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40076638/compare-passwords-bcryptjs

[4] https://nodejs.org/en/docs/guides/nodejs-docker-webapp/