30 y/o - Jr. Front-End Dev @Ourinvest | Full-Stack Developer | Branding Consultant | Designer
OurinvestGuarulhos, São Paulo - Brazil
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A color matching game, developed with HTML5, vanilla JavaScript and CSS3, to practice what I had learned at the time about these technologies. Although it started as a game, as it evolved I came to look at this project as a piece of generative art, that happens to have a rounds and points system.
On this project I had “carte blache” to pick a theme for the e-commerce, so I decided to revisit the project I did for the conclusion of my first module in the course, and refactor it now using React, Reudx, w/ Thunk as middleware, and Styled Components.
This was a team project, in which I had the opportunity to be the Tech Leader following the agile methodology. On this one our team was taked to create a food e-commerce applying the content of the module: API, OOP, LocalStorage, Mobile First. Using vanilla JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS3.
The project that capped the first course module at Kenzie Academy Brasil, using HTML5, vanilla JavaScript and CSS3, I createad an one page e-commerce with layered filters, cart, and wish-list with products by the brand BVLGARI.
A great project to sharpen our logic, in this one the taks was to reproduce the game genius/simon, but as I like to experiment with the possibilities went a bit further and created a point system and two more difficulty levels in which the player gets more points per round but the sequence is played gradually fester.
An API created with Node, TypeScript and TypeORM to practice enitities relationships (One to One, One to Many, and Many to Many), validated with integrated tests
A 'dockerized' full-stack application that allows NG users to make transactions among them, for NG.Cash selection process
First version of my dev portfolio
An user CRUD in Node, Express and TypeScript with TypeORM
Our team decided to create an health & wellness application, that could benefit not only the user but also service providers, with a platform to register and search for physical activities, using React, Redux, Styled Components, Axios, and JSON-Server to simulate a database hosted in Heroku.
Hbler's Repositories
An API created with Node, TypeScript and TypeORM to practice enitities relationships (One to One, One to Many, and Many to Many), validated with integrated tests
A 'dockerized' full-stack application that allows NG users to make transactions among them, for NG.Cash selection process
An user CRUD in Node, Express and TypeScript with TypeORM
W.I.P. - This is the backend (json.server Fake API) of the Ballet Class Planner - An application for teachers to plan their classes, and for students to access them.
First version of my dev portfolio
Another e-commerce project, this one went through three iterations, the first in which we just listed the items, the second where we added the cart, and a third in which I converted the whole project the object oriented programming paradigm. As I tend to do, this one I took one step further improving on the CSS.
Learning Vue.js with a project for the selective process from Copybase.
A simple project to study some OOP concepts in C#
An app that allows it's users to calculate the antecipation of a transaction made in instalments
This was a team project, in which I had the opportunity to be the Tech Leader following the agile methodology. On this one our team was taked to create a food e-commerce applying the content of the module: API, OOP, LocalStorage, Mobile First. Using vanilla JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS3.
A great project to sharpen our logic, in this one the taks was to reproduce the game genius/simon, but as I like to experiment with the possibilities went a bit further and created a point system and two more difficulty levels in which the player gets more points per round but the sequence is played gradually fester.
Multiple data structures algorithms
This project is actually the second iteration of another one in which I used Redux w/ Thunk to create a e-commerce, but I ended up not only changing the state management to React’s Context API but also the theme of the store.
Exercises to practice GoLang concepts viewed in the courses
Profile pesentation
With this project I practiced the use of API with React, learning more about react hooks, and the Axios lib. In this one I also experimented more with the Styled Components lib to create a light and a dark theme changed by the user. In it we created a fast-food e-commerce with products from an API.
On this project the objective was to integrate to practices we had in other projects, forms and API in a single React project. The application then simulates a platform in which a user can check out the tech stack and level of other devs, and also register themselves and their tech stack.
A interesting project, was one of the first I developed using React and it’s states, it has two iterations, one without and another with the Styled Components lib. On this one the application simulates a digital wallet in which the user can register their expenses and profits.
A simple number guessing game developed in C#
This project was the first one were I applyed the Object Oriented Programming paradigm with JavaScript, it is another I took a bit further, I decided to represent visually what was happening with the classes and methods, and so I did using HTML5 via DOM manipulation with JavaScript and CSS3
A simple palindrome verification program in c#
In this project I used docker and docker-compose to create and link containers of a node/express API CRUD with a postgressql database.
I went a bit experimental on this one, the project was designed for us to prectice with forms and form validation in React, using external libs, but as I often do, I took it futher and played a bit with the Framer Motion lib to create an “realxig experience” for the registered users.
Study Project - Creating, selecting, and simutaling CRUD behaviors with postgresql
Study project - First API with user CRUD created with node.js and express, tested with jest
Téste técnico para empresa WebNets