Game-based AI Platforms

This page provides the links to the source code of the game-based platforms for AI research, corresponding research papers, and competitions collected in our survey paper ``Game-based Platforms for Artificial Intelligence Research''.

Please use this bibtex if you want to cite our work:

  title={Game-based Platforms for Artificial Intelligence Research},
  author={Hu, Chengpeng and Wang, Ziqi and Zhao, Yunlong and Du, Haocheng and Liu, Jialin},
  journal={under single-blind review},

Playing Games by AI

Board Games

Social Games

Grid-based 2D Video Games

Pixel-based 2D Video Games

3D Video Games

Commercial Games

Other Games

Platforms with Multiple Games

Game for Design

Design Games by AI

2D Map/Level

3D Map/Level


Rhythm Chart


Other Design