This is now deprecated.
Development moved to a New repository && My fork


Placeholder repository for CENG303's Term project.


CMake does not recognize non-english characters in the build path.
If your computer's file structure contains any non-english characters then you won't be able to compile the program.
Please place the project folder somewhere such that the absolute path to it won't contain any non-english characters.

Installing CMake (3.28.1)

(Windows && MacOS)

Download the respective binaries from the following link and install them.


Open a terminal window and execute the following commands line by line

 result=$(echo "$version >= $limit" | bc -l)
 os=$([ "$result" == 1 ] && echo "linux" || echo "Linux")
 mkdir ~/temp
 cd ~/temp
 sudo mkdir /opt/cmake
 sudo sh cmake-$version.$build-$ --prefix=/opt/cmake #(Type "y" to accept the license agreement and type "n" to forego installing inside the subdirectory)
 cmake --version #(expected output is "cmake version 3.28.1") 

Installing MinGW (gcc for Windows)

  • Download and install the gcc compiler for Windows from the following link.
  • Extract to somewhere temporary and then move it inside the "C:\Program Files" directory.
  • Then update the System Environment Path Variables to point to the /bin directory of MinGW
  • to verify the compiler is detected, open a powershell window and type
gcc --version


(Linux && MacOS)

open a terminal window and cd into the project folder


 mkdir build-release
 cd build-release
 cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
 cmake --build .


 mkdir build-debug
 cd build-debug
 cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..
 cmake --build .

(Release With Debug Info)

 mkdir build-relwithdebinfo
 cd build-relwithdebinfo
 cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo ..
 cmake --build .

(Release With Minimum Size)

 mkdir build-minsizerel
 cd build-minsizerel
 cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=MinSizeRel ..
 cmake --build .

the executable will be generated inside the respective build-X folder.


open a powershell window and cd into the project folder


 mkdir build-release
 cd build-release
 cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..


 mkdir build-debug
 cd build-debug
 cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..

(Release With Debug Info)

 mkdir build-relwithdebinfo
 cd build-relwithdebinfo
 cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo ..

(Release With Minimum Size)

 mkdir build-minsizerel
 cd build-minsizerel
 cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=MinSizeRel ..

the executable will be generated inside the respective build-X folder.


The CMakeLists.txt is currently set up in such a way which generates a portable executable.
Consquently, it is only really desirable to be used from a terminal window and not with an IDE.
This is because the RESOURCE_PATH macro is set to be relative to the generated executable's location which is not usually the case while using an IDE.
The solution is to edit the CMakeLists.txt file to change the mentioned macro to be hard-linked to the project's current directory.
Simply open the file and comment out line 12 and uncomment line 11.
Now re-compile the project by running the build command(s) from the previous section.
To run the executable, open a terminal/powershell window and type

./303pr1 <N-value> <course-list.csv> <classrooms.csv> <?blocked.csv>

Or type the following for help

./303pr1 -h

The following explains the arguments and their format.

  • N-value: Number of iterations to find optimal schedule.
  • course-list.csv: CSV file containing course lists.
    StudentID,Professor Name,CourseID,ExamDuration(in mins)
  • classrooms.csv: CSV file containing classrooms. (RoomID,Capacity)
  • blocked.csv: (Optional) CSV file containing blocked hours. (Day,TimeInterval,Course)

Keep in mind that the .csv files must be placed inside a folder called "res" and for that folder to be located in the directory of the portable executable.
Otherwise using an IDE with the current project structure should automatically pick up the path provided the CMakeLists.txt has been altered and the .csv files are provided as launch arguments.


CLion (Stable/Nova)

Open the project folder in CLion and configure CMake presets.

Visual Studio (2022)

Be sure to have installed the CMake build tools from the Visual installer.
Open the project folder in explorer, shift-right click and open with Visual Studio.

Group Members

  • 19050111022, FURKAN DEMİR, GH0ST-TF141
  • 20050111011, İBRAHİM BAHÇA, rogrammer
  • 20050111034, MERTER ÇOBAN, mertercoban
  • 20050111008, SELÇUK GENÇAY, rhyrak