HeRAMS Issue tracker

Welcome to the HeRAMS Issue tracker. If you have encountered and issue with the HeRAMS platform or would like to suggest a new feature that would improving the platform, we kindly ask you to submit an issue in our Github Issue Board. To help us address your issue in a timely manner, we ask you to follow a few simple guidelines outlined below.

If you are new to GitHub, we recommend you have a look at the GitHub Guide on Mastering Issues available here.

How to file a bug

  1. Go to our Issue Board.
  2. Before submitting a new issue, we kindly ask you to make sure the issue has not been reported already. Should you find an issue for the same topic, please comment on the exiting issue. Duplicated issues will be closed by an admin without resolving it.
  3. File a new issue. Please see below for some guidance on what should be included in an issue.
  4. Thank you for reporting the issue and helping us to improve the HeRAMS platform.

What should be included in an issue

A good issue should always include the following points

  1. Title: should give a broad summary of the issue
  2. Brief description: Give a brief description of the issue.Try to be concise but specific. This means, only include information required to fix the issue. If an issue is specific to a give page, workspace, user, etc. always make sure to include these details.
  3. Steps to reproduce the issue: This is particularly import for bug reports as. The more details you provide, the easier it will be for us to reproduce the issue. Issues that can't be reproduced by an admin cannot be fixed.
  4. Expected behavior: To make sure the issues are understood correctly, briefly explain expect/desired behavior.
  5. Additional details: If applicable, try to include screenshots or links that illustrate the issue. This will help us better understand your issue.
  6. Categorize your issue using labels: To further precise an issue, we use three sets of labels to classify issues. See the table below for further information.

Understanding issue labels

Category Label Description
Type Bug Something isn't working
Enhancement New feature or request
Urgency Low Small issues that will improve quality-of-life when using the platform (like smarter redirecting)
Normal Issues that a have a workaround available or are only used in very few use cases
High Key functions such as exporting data or viewing dashboards is not possible, there is no workaround available
Subject Dashboard Issues related to project dashboards
Data collection The issue is related to data collection or editing records.
Data export Issues related to exporting data
User management Issue is related to user access or permissions
Status Under review Issue is being reviewed by an administrator
Added to backlog The issue was added to the overall platform development plan and will be addressed in the near future.
In progress A solution addressing the issue is being developed and will be implement as soon as possible
Implemented An solution has been implemented resolving the issue.

Other labels

  • Info = Additional information required is required to understand the issue
  • UTR = "unable to reproduce": An admin tried to follow the steps in the bug, but everything seemed to work fine.
  • NAB = "not a bug": The behavior described in the bug is actually how it's supposed to work. This may indicate a usability or documentation problem.